Posts tagged beginner photographer
A Beginners Guide Prepping Your Clients for their Engagement Session

I have to admit, my engagement sessions have to be some of my favorite images I may have ever taken. I love that I have the chance to connect with clients before their wedding day, but I also love that it serves as a bit of education for the client—it preps them for their actual wedding day.

If you are a beginner photographer, you may find yourself feeling overwhelmed by the thought of getting all of your systems in place for your business. Trust me, I am still figuring out tweaks to my current systems. The process is never-ending, but needed and appreciated.

In the beginning years of my business, I thought that I didnt need a system for sessions. I mean, I knew I needed a system for contracts and payments, etc. However, I wasnt aware or thought that I needed a system to help prep my clients for their engagement session. I once had an engagement session that literally went so horribly wrong— ie, they wore the exact thing I told them not to (hello 1995 white button up shirt with khaki pants), that I just knew that I had to prep my couples diligently moving forward.

Your clients deserve as much information as possible. However, they dont deserve unnecessary information. The main things that you should set in place are spaces that give them examples of attire (hey Pinterest!), enough pep talking that helps them relax before their session even starts, and opening up the conversation that allows you to get to know them on a personal level. It is our job as a photographer to tell their story. So, why not give them an engagement session that evokes that?

If you want to jumpstart your systems, and prepare for every single engagement session—sign up below! You can download a free PDF that goes over everything from outfits and why I allow atleast two completely different choices, getting to know the couple beforehand and asking the questions that matter, and the process to booking and sending off their contract.